' The Protagonist', also known as ' Playa' and later called ' The Boss' is the leader of the street gang known the 3rd Street Saints from the video game franchise Saints Row.
This is about saying I don't give a shit how many times you knock me down, if I'm still breathing I'm standing right back up, and ya know what? You can hit as hard as you want 'cause when I hit back I'm gonna lay your ass out, bitch! It's our time now, let's get this shit started. Kinzie's right, those things died on Earth.
This isn't about hope, or faith, or even about winning. And you better believe we're showing this motherfucker humanity isn't dead because we're still alive. It's not coming back and nothing we do today is going to change that. But we need to remember why we do what we do. I know over the years you've heard this speech a bunch of times.